The value of right behavior is something I learned at home, growing up in the rural southern California town of Escondido. At an early age I came to appreciate the importance of being a good person, and I made that a big part of who I wanted to be. As I navigated my way through adolescence and then graduated into adult life, I learned that it's not always easy to know the right course to take. By what measure can one always know what IS the right thing to do? Someone once told me, "Before I do something, I ask myself: If everyone did this, would the world be a better place? If the answer is 'yes', then I know I'm doing the right thing." I realized that this simple rule of thumb applies to even the smallest little things we do in our lives; so every day, each of us has the power to help improve the world in which we live.
An innate talent for creative expression eventually led me to receive a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Then, after 30-plus years of working in the arts and design world, raising two children, and teaching drawing to K thru 5 students, something truly wonderful happened. My dream of being a full-time fine-art painter and my desire to create Goodness, merged -- in the form of my DOERS of GOoD collection of paintings. My DOERS are a celebration of all those among us who, each in their own way, help to transform our world into a better place. . . one GOoD deed at a time.